Friday, June 14, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things.....

I just wanted to share with you all today my


that I always need to have in my house! My always-in-the-house foods! Below are some additional info on why these foods are so GREAT for you, along with the link source so you can find out more!

Three eggs per day over a 12-week period for obese participants on a carbohydrate restricted diet actually lowered the bad LDL cholesterol and raised the good HDL(1). Another study showed that two eggs per day for six weeks did not affect cholesterol levels or brachial artery endothelial function (2). Yet another study demonstrated that people eating equal to or more than 4 eggs per week had lower cholesterol levels than those eating less than or one egg per week (3).

That aside, eggs are packed with vitamins A, D, E, B2, B6, B9, iron, calcium, phosphorous, potassium and choline (4). Now, when you think choline, think brains and babies. One egg supplies 20% of the daily recommended intake of choline, and it is used as a building block for phospholipids used in all cell membranes and is particularly integral in brain and nerve health. Share with all pregnant women you know that choline from eggs is essential for proper fetal brain development and decreased neural tube defects, and it is a necessary constituent in breast milk. In addition, choline proves important in: memory function, reducing breast cancer risk, and maintaining normal homocysteine levels. It also lowers: plasma C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor, and interleukin 6. In fact, in one study, lack of dietary choline resulted in fatty liver, muscle damage and some organ dysfunction (5).

Lutein and zeaxanthin are the carotenoids that imbue the bright sunshine to the yolk, so think eyes and a healthy macula when the rays beam your way. Lutein levels from eggs beat both cooked spinach and lutein supplements by three times in blood serum, and 12 weeks of eating eggs increased subjects' zeaxanthin serum levels and macular pigment (6,7).

Tryptophan and tyrosine are two amino acid egg antioxidants. Tryptophan, with a little help from a carbohydrate meal, crosses the blood brain barrier and is converted to serotonin. Serotonin, a potent mood enhancer (as many anti-depressants induce elevated levels of) can be then converted in the pineal gland to melatonin, which promotes sleepiness(8). Tyrosine is a precursor to epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and thyroid hormones all modulating your go-go, good feelings, and alertness.

Now before you go out and buy out the market, keep in mind that pasture raised, free-grazing hens produce a superior quality egg and are less prone to salmonella contamination (9). Free hens lay eggs with 3 times more vitamin E, 7 times more beta-carotene, 1/3 less cholesterol, 1/4 less saturated fat, 2/3 more vitamin A, and 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids (10).


Lowers Cholesterol
Oatmeal contains a special strand of fiber called beta-glucan that studies have shown reduces levels of bad cholesterol—and as high cholesterol is a major risk factor associated with heart disease and strokes, a daily bowl of oatmeal could be a life saver! A daily dose of three grams of fiber, the amount found in one bowl of oatmeal, can lower cholesterol by up to 23 percent and reduce the risk of heart disease by almost half.

Boosts Immune System
Oatmeal’s beta-gluten fiber does more than protect your heart - can also amp up our immune systems and help fight bacterial infections by helping non-specific immune cells called neutrophils (our body’s first line of defense against pathogens) quickly locate and heal infected tissues.

Special Antioxidants for Heart Protection
Oatmeal not only lowers bad cholesterol but protects good cholesterol! Oatmeal contains special antioxidants called avenanthramides that prevent free radicals from attacking good cholesterol, which also helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar
Because oatmeal is so rich in fiber, eating it in the morning will help stabilize your blood sugar throughout the day and prevent those mid-morning or mid-afternoon “crashes” that results from eating refined sugars and carbs.

Lowers Risk of Diabetes
Speaking of blood sugar, eating oatmeal can also help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Oatmeal contains high amounts of magnesium, which help the body to properly use glucose and secrete insulin. An eight-year trial showed a 19 percent decrease in type 2 diabetes risk in women with a magnesium-rich diet and a 31 percent risk decrease in women who regularly ate whole grains. Like to enjoy your oatmeal with milk? Eating low-fat dairy products reduces the risk of diabetes by 13 percent.

Prevents Breast Cancer
Studies have shown that a diet rich in fiber can protect against breast cancer, particularly if the fiber comes from whole grains. A UK Women’s Cohort Study found that pre-menopausal women who ate fiber from whole grains had a 41 percent less risk of developing breast cancer, while fiber sourced from fruit only offer a 29 percent reduction rate.

Although oatmeal contains a small amount of gluten, studies have shown that oatmeal is well tolerated by both adults and children with celiac disease.

Psyllium Husk

Psyllium husk, also known as isphagula is made from the husks of seeds from the Plantago Psyllium plant which is abundant in areas in the Middle East. Experts have been recommending Psyllium husk as a great way to add dietary fiber to an individual?s diet because it has extremely high fiber content. When compared to oat bran for example, Psyllium husk offers over 14 times as much fiber per each third of a cup than oat bran does.

The high dietary fiber content is why psyllium husk is a go to solution for manufacturers of dietary fiber powders and supplements such as Metamucil. For individuals who are dealing with diarrhea or constipation, upping their daily intake of dietary fiber can alleviate the symptoms. That is because Psyllium husk absorbs water is it makes its way through the digestive tract, making stool softer, bulkier and easier to pass.

Man people think that Pysllium husk is only good to improve digestion, medical studies have proven that it also can help to lower blood cholesterol. You will of course also need to eat a diet that is low in fat for best results. However, even if you eat a diet with higher fat content, Psyllium husk is able to reduce bad cholesterol [LDL] (low-density lipoproteins) by approximately 7%.

Definitely helps when I'm a little, *ahem* backed up, if you know what I mean :P
AND not to mention, it makes my delicious pancake recipes so FLUFFY!!!!!

Nut butters

It helps you lose weight
Calling peanut butter a diet food, with 180 to 210 calories per serving, may seem counter-intuitive. But it has the enviable combination of fiber (2 g per serving) and protein (8 g per serving) that fills you up and keeps you feeling full longer, so you eat less overall. Plus, there’s nothing more indulgent than licking peanut butter off a spoon—and indulgence (in moderation) helps dieters fight cravings and stay on track.

It’s packed with nutrition
A serving of peanut butter has 3 mg of the powerful antioxidant vitamin E, 49 mg of bone-building magnesium, 208 mg of muscle-friendly potassium, and 0.17 mg of immunity-boosting vitamin B6. Research shows that eating peanuts can decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions. One study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that consuming 1 ounce of nuts or peanut butter (about 2 tablespoons) at least 5 days a week can lower the risk of developing diabetes by almost 30%.

It’s got the good fat
Peanut butter is chock-full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. A recent study found that insulin-resistant adults who ate a diet high in monos had less belly fat than people who ate more carbohydrates or saturated fat. PS: If you’re buying reduced-fat peanut butter because you think it’s better for your waistline, save your money. The calories are the same (or even a little higher) thanks to the extra ingredients that are added to make up for the missing fat (including more sugar).
Energy Boost
Peanut butter is high in calories and each bite packs a bunch of nutrition. It contains both protein and healthy monosaturated fats, which will give you the energy pick-me-up that you are looking for. Additionally, peanut butter has other nutrients including vitamin B3, tryptophan, and manganese.

Cardiovascular Health
The monounsaturated fat in peanut butter has been linked with a decrease in the risk of heart disease. Also, peanuts contain fiber, and a diet high in fiber will reduce bad (LDL)cholesterol levels. Peanut butter also contains vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that has been associated with lower levels of heart disease.

Better Circulation
Peanut butter is a great source of iron, which helps to maintain good circulation. Other minerals in peanut butter include calcium, copper, potassium, and magnesium.

Blood Sugar Control
The protein and fiber in peanut butter are both beneficial for blood sugar control. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, or you are at risk of diabetes, including peanut butter in your diet may be beneficial because it will stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Peanut butter contains resveratrol , an antioxidant that has been linked with lower levels of heart disease and cancer. Some studies suggest that resveratrol may reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Cancer Prevention
The antioxidants and fiber in peanut butter help to reduce the risk of cancer. Antioxidants are effective because they clean up free radical activity within the body and fiber will reduce the risk of colon cancer because it keeps waste moving efficiently through the intestines.

I suggest buying nut butters with the fewest added ingredients!
My fave are  MaraNatha and Crazy Richards!
Labels should read: Ingredients: peanuts, or almonds, or cashews, etc!
Or make your own at home with a REALLY good blender or processor and your choice of nuts!


Bananas have SO many awesome benefits!
I always have them in the house! Click each picture to enlarge!

Of course I have other things like meats, veggies, whole grains, etc etc but above are my main GOTTA HAVE ALL THE TIMEEEEE.
I'll do a kitchen tour youtube video or post soon!

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